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HONEST Prolific Survey Review | Is Prolific Legit?

Today I decided to review a Beermoney website. That is something that I will start doing regularly on this blog. Today, I am going to review Prolific Survey Site, a platform that as you can tell by the name, pays you to participate in surveys. Prolific provides you with short surveys where you get to decide if you want to participate or not.

The length of Prolific surveys can be anywhere from 1 minute long to 1 hour long. Additionally, they do not really collect personal information as each Prolific questionnaire is very generic and all the data is collected anonymously. I am also going to provide payment proof of the Prolific Survey website, something that I know a lot of you are interested in seeing.

Prolific Surveys Review

All in all, Prolific is a very well-made website with a great flow. Prolific provides academic surveys to its users and many well-known and reputable Universities are involved in them. Moreover, they do not force you to complete a survey. I have personally started many surveys and finished without completing them. When this happens they simply find someone else to do the survey instead of you and you obviously do not receive payment for it.

As I said earlier, Prolific provides surveys that can last from a few minutes to about an hour. This is amazing, because you may want to invest more or less time to complete a survey. For instance, sometimes I prefer spending less time just to make a couple of cents. Other times, I can dedicate hours to answering a prolific survey.

The first thing you need to do when you log in prolific for the first time is complete the “About You” page. The questions there will be related to you and they help prolific find and send you the most suitable surveys. You do not really need to complete the whole Prolific questionnaire to receive surveys but I would definitely advise you to do so. Lastly, I have been using Prolific for the last few years and I can say that they are a legitimate business!

When Prolific has no surveys available…

Prolific sadly has one major issue. Surveys are not available all the time. They usually send you 2 to 4 new surveys every day, although this varies a lot. As a result, you cannot work for Prolific full-time. There are times when you will log in and just stare at a blank screen, waiting for a new survey to appear.

Luckily, I have a solution for this. If you are using Google Chrome you can install an app called Prolific Assistant. This app can be a huge time saver. Every time Google Chrome is open, while you are browsing another website, for example, the app checks if there is a new survey on Prolifics. If a new paid survey is found, it notifies you with sound notification and you can claim a spot immediately!

Prolific Survey Payment Proof

Here I would like to explain that even though I consider Prolific a “Beer Money” website, that does not mean it does not pay well. I would say Prolific’s average hourly rate is somewhere between 5 and 7 British Pounds. (~7USD and ~10USD accordingly) That hourly rate can be well above the minimum wage in various countries worldwide. I personally consider this a great side hustle. Of course, due to the surveys not being that frequent, you will not earn a full-time income. Additionally, their minimum withdrawal limit is just 5 pounds. This means you do not need to spend more than 1 hour on average to get paid.

prolific survey

Nevertheless, you will always know you spend your time on something (relatively) valuable. Above you can see some of the Prolific payments I received in the last year. As you can see, I did not earn that much. That is mainly because I do not use Prolific survey as much anymore. Someone more active on completing surveys could be earning a lot more, meaning around 3 digits per month! I hope my Prolific payment proof does not discourage anyone from using the platform, as you can definitely earn way more than me.


All in all, Prolific has always been a great way to earn some beer money. Their hourly rate is amazing considering you do not need to invest a lot of effort into their surveys. I definitely recommend Prolific surveys to anyone!

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